Only current Bella Ballerina students are eligible to participate. Photos must be submitted via email to [email protected] by September 18, 2019 with subject: CoverGirl Entry. Only ONE photo per dancer will be accepted. Should multiple photos be submitted, Bella Ballerina will choose the photo used in the contest. Voting will take place between September 20 through October 1, 2019 on the Facebook Page for Bella Ballerina GSO. In addition to the emailed photo, the acceptance of terms below must be completed to complete your entry into the contest. A photo will only be accepted once both items have been received. Rules: 1. No exchange for goods or services can be offered in exchange for votes on photos. 2. All votes are place through "likes" on the original photo on the Bella Ballerina GSO Facebook page. Only 1 winner will be chosen. By agreeing to participate you understand that winners are based on number of votes alone and that this contest is ALL IN GOOD FUN. Everyone receives a prize no matter how many votes they receive. 3. There is no tolerance for inappropriate or vulgar language when soliciting votes. 4. Bella Ballerina reserves the rights to remove a participant in the contest if it sees fit for any reason. 5. Your submitted photo will be edited and posted on a public social media page. By participating you understand that your photo will be seen by any users who can publicly view the Bella Ballerina social media.